What is Future Pacing?
FUTURE PACING – A better way to visualize the future and make challenging decisions.

Ever hesitate in making a decision because you simply just didn’t know how it would turn out? Do you fear possible failure, or even success? Well, future pacing can bring you comfort and enhance your self-confidence.
Here’s the procedure:
- Select a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. My favorite place is in my car while parked, overlooking the river near my home.
- Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, close your eyes and let go of all the busy thoughts on your mind. Know that you won’t forget anything you need to do, and that it all can wait for you for a little while until you’re finished.
- Consider your issue and determine which choices you are struggling between (I suggest you only work with two, initially.)
- Take your first choice and allow your mind to meander through what it would most likely be like once that choice was put into action. Consider all the people, places and things. Visualize how it would appear to others involved or observing the situation. Experience, as best you can, the way you will feel once that decision is put in place and the results begin developing. Experience yourself explaining your decision to whomever is affected. Once you’ve completed this exercise, immediately write yourself about your experience and how you feel about that decision.
- Then take your second choice and allow your mind to meander through what it would most likely be like once that choice was put into action. Consider all the people, places and things. Visualize how it would appear to others involved or observing the situation. Experience, as best you can, the way you will feel once that decision is put in place and the results begin developing. Consider how you would explain your decision to others. Experience yourself explaining your decision to whomever is affected.
- Once you’ve completed this final part of your exercise, immediately write yourself about your experience and how you feel about that decision.
Initially, only visualize or imagine for five years into the future. After you’ve become familiar and comfortable with the process, first do five years with each scenario, and then follow immediately with another five years.
As you become comfortable with the process and it’s becoming more and more beneficial for you, you can move ahead further into the future.
Each time you want to participate in future pacing, you should start from that day and not from the last session. Reason: New information and observations can enhance your visualization or imaginings, therefore beneficially altering your decision.